COVID-19 restriction and alternative support

If you are feeling any symptoms prior to your appointment please call to reschedule or change to an online appointment.

I am still able to offer stress, trauma and body tension relief via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

If you are in need of support, please contact me on: 0402 106 603 or 4751 7201

For further information, read about Trauma Recovery Techniques.

Bowen By Christine

Wouldn’t it be great if you could lie on a massage table for a short while, feel totally relaxed… drift off to sleep… and wake to find that the pain you experience daily, was significantly relieved or even totally gone! These are some of the benefits that I, and those who I have treated with Bowen Therapy, have experienced. These kinds of results can happen for all sorts of pain and conditions. I created Bowen by Christine to share the life changing results that I have experienced through Bowen Therapy. I also believe that, for some people, an important part of the treatment is having their story heard by someone they can trust and who can offer informed and nurturing support.

Do you suffer from migraines?

Debilitating migraines you have been suffering from for years could be gone.

Is excruciating back pain consuming your life?

What if you start to get off the table… moving a little easier and in not quite so much pain… you walk around the room a few times… and feel even freer and in less pain… and somehow different… better… lighter… Would that be worth giving this treatment a go?

What if you didn’t feel that anxiety anymore?

Are you carrying around the burden of a problem that you can’t shift or have a feeling of anxiety? Anxiety is a complex issue. In conjunction with Bowen Therapy I can teach you some simple techniques to help you begin your journey of recovery.

Is your toddler constipated?

What if your toddler is so constipated that a suppository is needed to achieve a bowel movement? After a couple of Bowen treatments taking only minutes each, their bowel movements can become regular, and in addition to this, sleeping and eating patterns can improve.

Acute or chronic, musculoskeletal or systemic pain.

Regardless of whether your pain is acute or chronic, it can be significantly reduced and even totally alleviated. Wouldn’t that be great?

Book an appointment at Bowen by Christine!

Book an appointment and see how Bowen Therapy can help you… change your life… for the better!


Babies under 12 months – 3 FREE follow up visits

Gift Vouchers available.

Contact me today!

(02) 4751 7201

0402 106 603