COVID-19 restriction and alternative support

If you are feeling any symptoms prior to your appointment please call to reschedule or change to an online appointment.

I am still able to offer stress, trauma and body tension relief via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

If you are in need of support, please contact me on: 0402 106 603 or 4751 7201

For further information, read about Trauma Recovery Techniques.

About Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is an internationally recognised form of body work. Very subtle rolling moves are performed over muscles, nerves and soft connective tissue (fascia). These moves are performed in specific sequences separated by short rest periods.

The Bowen moves produce a powerful healing response in the body that improves circulation and lymphatic drainage. It aids in the assimilation of nutrients and assists with the elimination of toxins. This response not only affects the musculoskeletal framework but also the fascia, nervous system and internal organs. Through the effect on the nervous system, the body relaxes and is able to start the healing process, correcting dysfunctions and restoring balance on a holistic level. This produces relief from pain, stress and illness, regardless of the cause.

The fascia, superficial and deep connective tissue, forms a continuous sheath throughout the body and is a major fluid pathway of the body. The fascia’s hydration level, provides strength and support for the musculoskeletal system. The Bowen moves produce a piezoelectric effect which attracts water molecules to the area to rehydrate and restore critical inter-fibre distance, restoring the cellular transit routes of the fascia.

Clients with a new injury often respond immediately and even those with long term problems can experience dramatic improvement after the first treatment.

Bowen Therapy is safe and recommended for everyone. From highly trained athletes to pregnant women, newborn babies, children and the elderly.

After a treatment most people feel relaxed yet energised and alert, ready to resume their day. Regular Bowen treatments help keep energy levels high and protect against stress, injuries and illness.

Bowen Therapy initiates a healing process. It is best not to have any other type of body or energy work 5 days either side of the Bowen treatment.

Bowen Therapy History

Tom Bowen (1916-1982) was born in Melbourne and started the development of his natural ability to facilitate healing in the 1950’s as a trainer with junior football clubs.

In the early 60’s he practiced as an Osteopath. By the mid 70’s Tom Bowen was giving 300 treatments per week, using the unique method developed by him, at his Geelong practice – as reported in the Fed Govt’s Webb Report on alternative therapies.

Since 1986, Ossie Rentsch, who studied with Tom, has faithfully preserved the technique and promoted it world wide through his organisation, Bowtech.

Post Treatment Do's and Don'ts

On the day of your Bowen treatment PLEASE:

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water (About 1 glass every hour.)
  • Stand up and move around every 3/4 hour if you are sitting.
  • Don’t cross your arms and legs.
  • No strenuous activity.
  • Avoid extremes of heat and cold. eg. saunas, hot spas, heat or ice packs, & hot showers.
  • Start exercises or stretches tomorrow.
  • Have a 5 day break from any other body work/touch therapy such as massage, acupuncture, reiki, physio or chiropractic.

Following these instructions is an important part of the treatment and contribute to it’s success and therefore your recovery.

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