COVID-19 restriction and alternative support

If you are feeling any symptoms prior to your appointment please call to reschedule or change to an online appointment.

I am still able to offer stress, trauma and body tension relief via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

If you are in need of support, please contact me on: 0402 106 603 or 4751 7201

For further information, read about Trauma Recovery Techniques.

I would like to recommend Bowen for any type of ailment!

I would like to recommend Bowen for any type of ailment! My initial treatment was for a bad shoulder which I had been having trouble lifting my arm.  After several treatments I was able to lift my arm above my head ‘easily’ & went back to playing basketball!

Emma (Brisbane, Qld)

Bowen therapy had the problem solved in no time

After seeing numerous other therapies for a muscular problem in the back of my knee, Christine and her Bowen therapy had the problem solved in no time. I am now able to walk as much as I like without the leg cramping. Christine has also helped me with my shoulder and hand which are old injuries I have had for years.  Thank you.

Grant (Bribie Island, Qld)

Pain was virtually gone

In 2006, I was involved in a car accident and I received a bad whiplash injury.  I had about 15 treatments from 3 different physiotherapists.  None of this helped me a great deal.  I then met Chris Hart and we commenced on a Bowen pathway.  After about three treatments, the pain was virtually gone.  I have been seeing Chris over a period of three years and I have a session every few months.  These top ups have allowed me to maintain my body in a relatively pain free condition.  Her relaxed and happy attitude to her work is a credit to herself. Many Thanks,

Kevin (Bribie Island, Qld)

Healing hands on treatments to my back

Thank you to my dear friend, confidant & Bowen doctor, Chris.  For all the healing hands on treatments to my back, neck, shoulders, cough… It never ceases to amaze me!… It works!

Colleen (Ipswich, Qld)

After the 2nd treatment the pain was gone

I had injured my shoulder 2 months prior to seeing Christine.  I had my arm in a sling and couldn’t move it without severe pain. I was also on the wait list for shoulder surgery.  On waking, the morning after my initial treatment, I reached out to pick up a glass of water and my husband called out “Hey, you can move your arm!”. There was still a little pain but after the 2nd treatment it was gone. When the hospital called 10 months later, I was happy to be able to cancel the surgery.

Carol (Samford, Qld)

It only took one treatment for the pain to disappear

I do lots of driving with my sales job.  Every now & then I get a severe pain down my buttock, and down the back and outside of my right leg.  I couldn’t believe that it only took one treatment for the pain to disappear. I was a bit concerned about the amount of driving I had to do the week after my treatment, but my back held out.  Great work Chris!

John (Bribie Island, Qld)

I am a lot happier and pain free

I was involved in a car accident on 23/11/03.  Subsequent operations left me with a fused left ankle, MRSA as well; Fused left wrist; Seriously torn supraspinatus left shoulder and right knee replacement.  I was receiving Chiro & Physio treatment and was not progressing very much.  I tried “Bowen treatment” with Christine on the advice of a friend (reluctantly at first).  After a couple of treatments I started to feel a lot better.  I started to become a lot more pain free in my movements.  I could use my arms and legs and back a lot easier.  I could wash and polish my car & caravan.  I could do things easier than previously and plus a lot more other things that I was unable to do before.  My lower back became a lot easier and I could walk greater distances which was great.  I know that the way I feel now is a result of the “Bowen Treatments” I received.  I am at the stage where I go for treatments when I feel like it.  I am a lot happier and pain free than I have been for the last 7-8 years thanks to “Bowen”.

W Jennings (Bribie Island, Qld)

I no longer suffer

I visited Christine suffering from debilitation reflux and a problem knee.  I no longer suffer from reflux and am able to walk long distances without pain, owing to Christine’s holistic approach.  I also now have an incredible self awareness that has so enriched my life.  I cannot thank Christine enough, I am so grateful.

Wendy (Lawson, NSW)

Incredible sense of calmness and wellbeing

I first went to Christine as I had a lot of pain in my body and Chiropractics and exercise did nothing to alleviate it. She started doing a lot of work to alleviate the painful condition, and the results were pretty fast. However, it was not gone totally. At that point, I noticed Christine did very few, select movements on my body which were able to get even deeper to the seat of the problem. My body took a quantum leap at that point, and enormous changes were gained within a short period of time. I am pretty well pain free now. Along with that, I have an incredible sense of calmness and wellbeing I have never felt before. What appears to be such a simple technique, has profound and long lasting effects. She has literally saved my life. I have my entire family going to her now! Thank you for moving to the Blue Mountains Christine!!!!

Karen (Lawson, NSW)