COVID-19 restriction and alternative support

If you are feeling any symptoms prior to your appointment please call to reschedule or change to an online appointment.

I am still able to offer stress, trauma and body tension relief via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

If you are in need of support, please contact me on: 0402 106 603 or 4751 7201

For further information, read about Trauma Recovery Techniques.

Bowen during pregnancy & labour

When I was pregnant with my first child I was lucky enough to receive regular Bowen treatments from Christine. I suffered with anxiety in the first trimester, which after only one Bowen treatment, had disappeared. I had ongoing lower back and hip pain and also suffered with pubic synthesis in the last half of the pregnancy. A single Bowen treatment would eliminate the pain for a few weeks. When I was into my third trimester I stared to get quite bad fluid retention in my feet, ankles and hands. After one Bowen treatment the fluid retention never came back. I was amazed! Other things Bowen helped me with throughout my pregnancy were nausea, fatigue, heartburn and reflux. I felt fantastic during my pregnancy and had no problems with my back and hips after labour.

Christine was lovely enough to give me Bowen while I was in labour (even though I laboured all night!). With Christine’s help I was able to deliver a very healthy baby naturally, with no drugs or pain relief. This is something that meant a lot to me in my birthing plan, and I can truly say I couldn’t have done it without Christine’s helps and support.  I am so grateful to have had Christine’s Bowen treatments throughout my pregnancy and labour.

Kate (Beerwah, Qld)