COVID-19 restriction and alternative support

If you are feeling any symptoms prior to your appointment please call to reschedule or change to an online appointment.

I am still able to offer stress, trauma and body tension relief via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

If you are in need of support, please contact me on: 0402 106 603 or 4751 7201

For further information, read about Trauma Recovery Techniques.

Canine Bowen

Christine with SpikeISBT Canine Bowen Therapy Training

ISBT (International School of Bowen Therapy) is a recognised interpretation of the work of Tom Bowen.  In collaboration with ISBT, internationally recognised animal physical therapist, Suzanne Baker, BSc DC Dip Acc., has developed the ISBT work on humans for animals. Ongoing development and clinical trials have produced the current Canine Bowen training.

Christine is a qualified ISBT Canine Bowen Therapist.

ISBT Canine Bowen Therapy is effective for:

  • muscle stiffness and injury
  • improving joint mobility
  • complementing veterinary care for chronic conditions i.e. arthritis
  • assisting in rehabilitation and recovery from injury or surgery
  • helping to resolve behavioural or stress issues
  • maintaining a healthy body


To view Canine Testimonials click here.

After-care Advice

By undertaking some simple strategies after a ISBT Canine Bowen Therapy treatment, the many positive effects of the therapy can be greatly enhanced.

After-care advice includes:

  • ensuring plenty of drinking water is available
  • low level, controlled exercise – essential for a few days after treatment
  • no other manual therapies for five days after treatment

ISBT Canine Bowen Therapy can impact on the musculoskeletal system and other body systems including vascular and lymphatic.

An owner may observe some changes in their dog in response to the therapy i.e. change in gate, range of movement.

Treatment Information

Canine Bowen Therapy is not a replacement for veterinary care.  You should always consult your veterinarian if your animal is unwell or injured, or has a condition requiring veterinary attention.

If you would like Christine to provide a Canine Bowen session, please contact Christine on 0402 106 603 to organise a session.